Home Business Prepare Your Business Career for AI Disruption: A Guide to Future-Proofing

Prepare Your Business Career for AI Disruption: A Guide to Future-Proofing

Prepare Your Business Career for AI Disruption: A Guide to Future-Proofing

According to Bloomberg, IBM is expecting to halt hiring for certain positions as approximately 7,800 jobs could potentially be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). IBM’s CEO, Arvind Krishna, stated that back-office functions, including human resources, will be either suspended or slowed down. Krishna mentioned that around 26,000 workers are involved in these non-customer-facing roles, and he predicts that about 30% of those positions could be replaced by AI and automation over the next five years. This is just the beginning of a series of announcements as organizations reassess their work, resources, and technology in response to the rapid progression of automation. On May 2nd, the leading educational technology company, Chegg, revealed that the growing popularity of ChatGPT was significantly impeding its growth in student subscribers, leading them to suspend their full-year expectations. Consequently, the company’s shares dropped by 47% during early trading. Chegg’s CEO, Dan Rosensweig, explained that the spike in student interest towards ChatGPT since March has impacted their new customer growth rate. As universities, schools, HR leaders, business leaders, and employers, it is crucial to reshape our learning models from before 2022 in order to prepare for the future, especially considering that most people did not anticipate or plan for such significant changes. It is important to remember that disruption can happen either to you or because of you, and when you have a choice, you have more power to influence outcomes and shape your future. Leading figures in the AI field, like Jeremiah Owyang, are currently contemplating their next steps at this intersection between the future they thought they were working towards and the unexpected future that has transpired. It is essential for individuals to reflect on their own career paths and decide which role they want to assume in this evolving landscape. To assist in this process, there are many influential voices thinking out loud, researching, experimenting, and providing guidance to others as they navigate through this era of immense uncertainty. Now is the time to engage with these experts, learn from them, and update our understanding of this ever-changing landscape. In a conversation with Professor GPT about the future skills necessary to adapt to evolving roles with AI, a comprehensive curriculum was discussed for an “AI-Proofing Careers for Business Professionals” 101 course. This curriculum covers various topics, including an introduction to AI and its impact on the workforce, identifying AI-vulnerable careers, analyzing skill sets and identifying transferable skills, exploring entrepreneurship and new opportunities, and discussing the ethics and responsibility associated with AI. Additionally, a follow-up course, “AI-Proofing Careers for Business Professionals 102,” would focus on developing skills and competencies that are less vulnerable to automation, such as creative and critical thinking, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills, data analysis and interpretation, adaptability and flexibility, and leadership and management. Overall, these courses aim to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the changing job market and encourage them to think ethically about the role of AI in society.


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